lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015


Present Tense

1. He _____ coffe today
    a. Drink
    b. Drinking
    c. Driks

2. She ____ book Hundred Years of Solitude
    a. Read
    b. Reads
    c. Reading

3. I___ football with my family today
   a. Play
   b. Playes
   c. Played

4. Do they ___ in your house today?
   a. Sleep
   b. Sleeping
   c. Slept

5. She _____ the ___
    a. Answers, asks
    b. Answer, ask
    c. Answering, asking

6. They___ very well today
    a. Sing
    b. Sings
    c. sang

7. They ___ his clothes
    a. Washing
    b. Wash
    c. Wash's

8. You ____ park every monday
   a. walking
   b. walk
   c. walked

9. She ____ English and French
   a. Speaks
   b. Speaking
   c. Speak

10. __ You like movies
    a. Don't
    b. Doesn't
    c. Do 

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